What are GMO's/ how they are formed? (Research)



What are GMOs? (purdue.edu)

Genetically Modified Organisms (nationalgeographic.org)

How Are GMOs Made? | Sciencing

What are GMOs?

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms

- G = genetically (meaning genes, DNA- the instructions of how cells are grown)

- M = modified (a change has been made)

- O = organism (all living things)

Most people think GMOs only pertain to plants, but organisms refer to all living things including animals, bacteria, fungi, etc. 

- Insulin is a medicine that comes from a genetically modified source. This is used to treat Diabetes, which affects around 23% of the United States population.

Modifying DNA has been around for thousands of years, as we breed certain fruits and vegetables together, farm animals, and even our own pets.

- Several animals that are genetically modified are usually used for laboratory research to study their health and if certain diseases arise from the modified DNA.

GMOs were originally used for simple laboratory research purposes, but now are being sprayed and injected into our produce and meat production, which we are then ingesting.

Only a few GMO plants are allowed for human consumption, but this does not include the wide range of pesticides that are sprayed onto our produce.

How are GMOs formed?

GMOs involve inserting genes into individual cells inside a lab (anything that occurs in a lab pertaining to our food supply and what goes into our bodies, does not resemble something healthy)

Four-part process:

1- select a desirable characteristic in a plant or an animal

2- Isolate the corresponding genetic code

3- Part of the chromosome that contains the selected genetic code is then physically cut or removed

4- Material is inserted into seeds/eggs so it will grow with the initially selected trait/characteristics.

If a scientistic wants a specific trait in a plant but not the other traits, they will take out parts of the genetic code so the wanted trait will control the others, leaving them with their desired product.

For seeds, gene guns are used to dire metal particles to cover the material into the desirable seeds with the new characteristics.
